The diagnosis of Munchausen by Proxy (MbP) is well recognised with children as the victims, but remains infrequently reported in later life. Older frail adults may also become victims of this syndrome. In this study we report a case of an older adult with a diagnosis of dementia and her son being the perpetrator. We discuss the diagnosis of MbP in older adults and review the available literature on MbP for this population. We also highlight the clinical features that should alert the clinicians to this diagnosis as it has considerable impact on the victim’s health and consumes disproportionately large health care resource.
The perpetrator was usually female, tended to be over-involved and interested in medical details, often with a background in health care. Psychological assessments have identified perpetrators of MSbP in children as often having narcissistic or borderline personality disorders and a previous history of somatic or factitious disorders and of pathological lying.
These are some relevant record of messages I've sent to, and received from, D (aka Shiteater Omicron).
I'm including this because my wife says that I always make myself look "innocent" or "better". I am neither, and I am fucking angry.