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Stupidity of the Lemmings

Jennifer Angus completed an INTAKE ASSESSMENT1 on December 7, 2018 at 16:00PST, and in this record she admitted to the following facts:

  • The patient's son-in-law attempted to offer complete explanation of the patient's circumstances, but she found it difficult to understand how other issues relating to the patient's health and circumstances could possibly be of use to them.
  • The patient had been robbed some months prior, and the Royal Jubilee Hospital believes that for the patient to have or express concerns about possible future thefts from her home to be paranoid delusions and a clear sign of impaired cognition.


Janet Klotz completed an MHSU PROGRESS NOTE2 on December 7, 2018 at 15:36PST, and in this record she admitted to the following facts:

  • Jennifer Angus and Janet Klotz spoke to Patient H without Isaac present via Skype, contrary to a prior agreement and the restrictions on referral.
  • Patient H, trusting the caring Jennifer and Janet, recounted some of her past trauma including a forced abortion and hysterectomy.
  • Ms Klotz immediately stated that Patient H must go to the hospital to have her wrist assessed.
  • Patient H was admitted to the GeriPsy ward at Royal Jubilee Hospital by way of fraudulent conveyance, and was detained by virtue of an improper admission under the Act because she, as a female, was not afforded the accompaniment of a close friend or relative, as is her right.
  • Patient H was unlawfully detained from December 7 thru December 27, all because Klotz and Angus chose to project their lack of life experience on Patient H.



  1. FOI19006, Pg 33
  2. FOI19006, Pg ??
